Steve Kinney

Introduction to Testing

List of Events You Can Fire

In case you wanted to see a full list of the events that you can fire, I looked it up in the source code for you.

  • copy
  • cut
  • paste
  • compositionEnd
  • compositionStart
  • compositionUpdate
  • keyDown
  • keyPress
  • keyUp
  • focus
  • blur
  • focusIn
  • focusOut
  • change
  • input
  • invalid
  • submit
  • reset
  • click
  • contextMenu
  • dblClick
  • drag
  • dragEnd
  • dragEnter
  • dragExit
  • dragLeave
  • dragOver
  • dragStart
  • drop
  • mouseDown
  • mouseEnter
  • mouseLeave
  • mouseMove
  • mouseOut
  • mouseOver
  • mouseUp
  • select
  • touchCancel
  • touchEnd
  • touchMove
  • touchStart
  • resize
  • scroll
  • wheel
  • abort
  • canPlay
  • canPlayThrough
  • durationChange
  • emptied
  • encrypted
  • ended
  • loadedData
  • loadedMetadata
  • loadStart
  • pause
  • play
  • playing
  • progress
  • rateChange
  • seeked
  • seeking
  • stalled
  • suspend
  • timeUpdate
  • volumeChange
  • waiting
  • load
  • error
  • animationStart
  • animationEnd
  • animationIteration
  • transitionCancel
  • transitionEnd
  • transitionRun
  • transitionStart
  • pointerOver
  • pointerEnter
  • pointerDown
  • pointerMove
  • pointerUp
  • pointerCancel
  • pointerOut
  • pointerLeave
  • gotPointerCapture
  • lostPointerCapture
  • popState
  • offline
  • online

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