Steve Kinney

Introduction to Testing

Testing Local Storage

Let’s say we have some code that touches localStorage. Normally, our tests run in Node, but localStorage isn’t in Node. Sure, we could use mocks or stubs, but we could also just emulate the browser environment.

it('should properly assign to localStorage', () => {
	const key = 'secret';
	const message = "It's a secret to everybody.";

	localStorage.setItem(key, message);

One More Time: With Some DOM Interaction

Consider this function that creates some elements for storing a secret into localStorage. You can find this example in examples/element-factory/src/secret-input.js.

export function createSecretInput() {
	const id = 'secret-input';

	const container = document.createElement('div');
	const input = document.createElement('input');
	const label = document.createElement('label');
	const button = document.createElement('button'); = id;
	input.type = 'password';
	input.placeholder = 'Enter your secret…';

	label.htmlFor = id;
	label.textContent = 'Secret';

	button.textContent = 'Store Secret';
	button.addEventListener('click', () => {
		localStorage.setItem('secret', input.value);
		input.value = '';


	return container;

We could write the following tests to verify that that it does what we think it ought to do. Check out examples/element-factory/src/secret-input.test.js:

import { describe, expect, it, beforeEach } from 'vitest';
import { createSecretInput } from './secret-input.js';

describe('createSecretInput', () => {
	beforeEach(() => {

	it('should store the value in localStorage', () => {
		const secretInput = createSecretInput();
		const input = secretInput.querySelector('input');
		const button = secretInput.querySelector('button');

		input.value = 'my secret';;

		expect(localStorage.getItem('secret')).toBe('my secret');

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