Steve Kinney

Building Design Systems with Storybook

Importing Fonts from Fontsource

There are lots of ways to include third-party fonts. But, let me tell you about my favorite: Just installing them off of npm from Fontsource.

Our design system is going to use Inter, mostly because that’s what we use where I work and I don’t hate it. Install the font is as easy as this:

npm install @fontsource-variable/inter

If you’re using the example repository, then this part has already been done for you.

Next, in your stylesheet, index.css, in our case simply import the dependency. (I am assuming you’re using PostCSS, which comes for free with Vite.)

@import '@fontsource-variable/inter';

Now, you can use the font stack in your CSS, but we’re using Tailwind, so let’s just replace font-sans with our new font.

export default {
	content: ['./src/**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx,mdx,html}'],
	darkMode: ['class', '[data-mode="dark"]'],
	theme: {
		extend: {
			fontFamily: {
				sans: ['Inter Variable', 'sans-serif'],
	plugins: [],
} satisfies Config;

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